I've read a lot about character development and downloaded a boatload of questionnaires and other tools. Some of them boggle my mind. One hundred questions for your protagonist to answer? An MMPI (Multi-Phasic Personality Index) would be far more accurate and only take a couple of hours. I spent three days (on and off to be sure) doing that one for one of my characters.
Finally I came up with something of my own, with those things which helped me see the character clearer, hear their voice, know where they came from, and where they are going. Although not as detailed as those one hundred questions, it works for me and, yes, I plan on posting one of my actual dossiers later. Just for the fun of it. Care to take a look at the working file?
Full Name of Character
Insert photographs here if appropriate. I like using them.
Some of them would make people wonder. No, the character does not share the
traits of the person in the photograph. It’s just a focal point for me to begin
with. I don't share these photographs even though I have no problem showing
a friend one of my character files. They will only see this.
Family Background
Family history, parents, siblings, socio-economic
background, relationship with parents and siblings. I have been known to insert
a family tree back three generations or more and/or forward at least two. Yes,
complete with dates.
.Yes, I know so many characters are virtual orphans, either
estranged and not interacting with family or literal orphans. It makes the
writing easier, fewer characters to deal with but I’m of the firm belief: everyone has family. How they affect
the character or whether they appear in the story is something else again.
Sometimes it’s a little and they don’t appear at all. Sometimes it’s a lot and
they can either haunt the character or make an actual physical appearance. It
all depends.
Physical Description
Full physical description: height, weight, body build, hair
and eye color. Any distinguishing physical characteristic if present. Wardrobe
choices or how they dress. What they are comfortable in and what they are not.
The way they move in certain situations. Sports and other
physical activities where germane and appropriate.
Educational Background
Schools attended. GPA. Any honors achieved. College major
and/or minor where appropriate. School activities. Response to education on any
Employment Record
Jobs they have held, sometimes from high school. Current
Quirks, Habits, and other Tidbits (always a section in
How they take their coffee or favorite beverage. A physical
tic like chewing on a cuticle when deep in thought. Morning person or night
owl? Do they talk to themselves or in
their sleep? Nickname or names and sometimes why they are called that. What are they talented at? What do they fail at miserably?
In short almost anything. I label this section as one always
in progress because I don’t know everything. Like anyone else of my
acquaintance things are revealed as I get to know them. So this section grows
along with the story. It sounds a little psychotic but so far it works for me.
Current Dilemma and Adjuncts
I don’t do themes, as in “I think I will write a novel about
‘love conquers all’ or something similar”, but I do know what is bothering my
character at the very beginning. What they consciously want to change in their
life. This is the place for that. Sometimes, as I think on it, other plot
points or even a synopsis will grow here as things progress. No, I don’t
outline. I’m a pantser. But I will come back here to document how things are
A Few Quotes
These are direct quotes from the character which may or may
not appear in the story. Sometimes they will come from a ‘snippet’ which
doesn’t appear and becomes back story. Wherever they come from they reflect
something about the character and their voice.
Fast Forward
If the story is set in the past this is where I do a brief
sketch of where they are now, emotionally and physically. Essentially, what
happened after the story ended. Usually I do it in some detail; sometimes I
know too much and cannot write it. With one of my stories I know they die and I
don’t want to write about it in the character sketch. Right now I need to see
them as alive and vibrant.
Why I write this section is a question which has several
answers. My own curiosity is one of them. Sometimes it’s a jump start. I need
to write something so I start thinking about where that particular character is
now which leads me back to the original story. How did they get to this flash
forward? A reader really doesn’t need to know but I find it useful from time to
Another answer is more part of my personal writing
philosophy: I know every story is a never ending one. One story leads to
another in a character’s lifeline. Not every story needs to be told. Some of
them are downright boring or would be to a reader. Occasionally I will see a
story later down the line. This can be a place to save that germ of an idea.
Heck, it could be a better story than the one I’m currently working on.
A Back Story
This section doesn’t always appear but some characters have
a story in their past which affects the story being told now. Sometimes they
are fairly complete; sometimes they are not. Some examples of this are “Judith”
(for Gerry in Rain) and “Becoming
Noona” (for Aaron in Snow).
Doing an “info dump” does not set well with a lot of folks
so I refrain from telling all the stories in a character’s life in the actual
novel. But I also like writing them and I recall reading somewhere to the
effect that all these back stories effect the writing even if they don’t show
up on the page. Much like 90% of an iceberg is below water and not seen.
And not all of the information in a character file ends up in the novel. Egads and merciful heavens, no! Wouldn't that be boring?
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