Friday, February 20, 2015

Breaking Silence or She's back! (And There's a Story Coming!)

So what do you think of the new look? I’m not completely happy with it but I’m no web page designer or, at least, I’m not one with Blogger. Back in the day when I had a personal web page and used FrontPage I wasn’t shabby but that’s another story. This one will do for a while but do give me feedback. When I do change the design again it will just appear out of the blue. No warning. No two months of shillyshallying. No long hiatus.

There has been another metamorphosis going on. It comes with a very exciting announcement.


Yes, I’m excited. Just in case you didn’t notice all the caps. It’s coming out in the late spring. Now, which month of spring I’m not sure of yet but I will talking more details as the time grows closer.

How is that a metamorphosis? I will be published, that’s one change and the other is the genre. It’s fantasy. Perhaps the change shouldn’t surprise me but it does. And I have more in the works I will talk about in the coming months.  

My other love stories or romances? Coalescing into a quintet I’ve decided, tentatively, to call “Love Seasons”. Rain is on the editing table. Snow decided to mature a little slower. Summer Heat . . . Spring Storm. You know these guys; they refuse to let me quit.

In the meantime, I’ll be right here at least once a week, probably twice. So pull up a chair, have a cuppa, and let’s have a natter. What will it be? Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or perhaps something stronger?